Today's heat wave is supposed to be an all time high for Seattle. Everyone else in the country thinks we're just whiners that can't handle a 102 degree day, but they don't understand that Seattle is not equipped with AC!
Last weekend I ran in the Ragnar Relay (185 mile team relay from Blaine to Langley)! It was awesome and the best time ever, and I kicked ass (my contribution was 11.5 miles, not the full 185). I also got 2 hours of sleep and ate nothing but power bars for 40 hours. Since returning, I've been too tired and lazy, and it's been too hot to do anything. Too hot to cook dinner. Too hot to walk to the grocery store. Sorry readers, but this week my diet has not been one to write home about.
For dinner last night I had a nice cold Pacifico (Thanks Anthony), and saltines with brie and orange marmalade. It took all the strength I had to prepare even that. Let me tell ya though, there is something very satisfying about a cold beer and crackers with cheese for dinner.
The beer kept me from melting all over the floor, the cracker-cheese-marmalade combo was the perfect mix of salty, creamy, sweet, and zesty. Ahh. Nothin' like sprawling out in your sweltering apartment in a bikini next to your panting miserable cat,with an ice cold beer and a slightly upscale lunchable.
Tonight (after a long sweaty ride home from work in the Metro sauna bus) it's going to be Tecate and Popsicles for dinner. Welcome back to Washington, Evan. Land of Mexican beer and snack-food dinners.